SUPERHEROS: A NEVER-ENDING BATTLE is a 3 part special which aired on PBS last night. The special is hosted by Liev Schreiber and features interviews with Marvel’s Joe Quesada, Wonder Woman‘s Lynda Carter, and yes – Stan Lee.
SUPERHEROS is suburb look at the start of comic books and their impact on the world. This is a high quality documentary on the subject and not just some 40 minute special thrown together for air basic cable to coincide with the release of the latest big blockbuster comic book hero movie.
You can catch it online for free at until 10/29, or purchase it on HD BLU-RAY. Given the outstanding quality this might be a buy for any pop culture or comic book fans looking to add to their DVD collection.
The three parts are:
Part 1 – Truth Justice and the American Way
Part 2 – Great Power, Great Responsibilities
Part 3 – Anyone Can Be A Hero